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pirate or ninja? EmptySun 12 Jul 2009, 19:32 by scorch13xx

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Fri 23 May 2008, 01:08 by Mrcheeky34

click here

Good site with thousands of avatars, worth a look

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Thu 22 May 2008, 23:03 by scorch13xx

this is probably the easiest ways to post ur pics onto the site. once we start having meets we can post those pics too in their own section Very Happy this should be the link

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if u get stuck

Thu 22 May 2008, 22:52 by scorch13xx

if u have any problems with regards to the site please dont hesitate to message either myself or Mrcheeky34, we'll be happy to help any time, or alternatively there is a FAQ(feq asked questions) at the top near the header.

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pirate or ninja?

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pirate or ninja? Empty pirate or ninja?

Post  scorch13xx Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:10

lol just for a laff another slly quiz..... post the results Very Happy

click here

Posts : 506
Join date : 2008-05-22
Age : 50
Location : Wolverhampton

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pirate or ninja? Empty Re: pirate or ninja?

Post  scorch13xx Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:12

i think the results for this one may shock u Very Happy

Hee-yah! Strong, silent, deadly — that's you! You do your best work under cover of darkness. Kicking butt and taking names on the night shift? Staying up 'til dawn killing time on the internet? Cutting off heads and flipping out all the time? Maybe not. But whatever, no matter what, you're always ready for action. You let your actions speak for themselves, and what they're saying is usually pretty killer.

It's easy to picture you hiding in the trees for hours at a time, flying through the air to uppercut the bad guy, or maybe just stealthily replacing the toilet paper when it runs out. You're that kind of awesome. People look up to you — sometimes literally — because you're so cool (by cool, we mean totally sweet) and always the life of the party, especially with those skin-tight pants and deadly dance moves.

oh well...... maybe not lmao

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Join date : 2008-05-22
Age : 50
Location : Wolverhampton

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pirate or ninja? Empty Re: pirate or ninja?

Post  Mrcheeky34 Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:40

didn't want to sign up to anything so i guess i won't get any results... Crying or Very sad

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Age : 51
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pirate or ninja? Empty Re: pirate or ninja?

Post  scorch13xx Mon 15 Dec 2008, 12:01

its free u plonker!...... and its onlya quiz site "with a profile on it Very Happy advertising hun tongue Cool

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Age : 50
Location : Wolverhampton

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pirate or ninja? Empty Re: pirate or ninja?

Post  Mrcheeky34 Mon 15 Dec 2008, 21:03

yeah and i can't be bothered with emails from i get enough now

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Age : 51
Location : Cambridge

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pirate or ninja? Empty Re: pirate or ninja?

Post  scorch13xx Mon 15 Dec 2008, 22:11

i've been a member for over a yeah and never recieved mail from them

Posts : 506
Join date : 2008-05-22
Age : 50
Location : Wolverhampton

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